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中心现有俄罗斯自然科学院外籍院士1名,二级教授5名,国家973计划首席科学家2名,长江学者讲座教授1名,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者3名,中组部千人计划引进人才10名,国务院政府特殊津贴专家14名,南粤百杰1名,中山大学百人计划引进人才20余名。获国家科技进步二等奖6项,国家973计划首席课题2项。以第一作者单位在Nature、Science、NEJM、JAMA等世界顶级学术期刊上发表白内障、角膜病、近视眼等长期困扰人类健康疾病方面的创新性研究成果(均为国内眼科界首篇发表),创新性成果被《自然医学》杂志(Nature Medicine)评为2016年生命科学八大突破性进展之一。珠江新城院区眼科学国家重点实验室大楼是目前世界上最大的眼科学实验室。
As a subsidiary unit of Sun Yat-sen University, Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center of Sun Yat-sen University have ranked first for seven consecutive years in the Renowned Ophthalmology of Specialized Department List for Chinese Hospitals and won the first prize in the first Hospital Influence of Science and Technology. Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, also the permanent headquarter of APAO, is the only State Key Laboratory for Ophthalmology in China. Ophthalmic Hospital from Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center is the first 3A-Class ophthalmic hospital in China and is regarded as the “the most popular ophthalmic hospital in China” for seven years in a row in 39 Healthcare List.
Besides one foreign member of Russia Academy of Natural Sciences and five National Second-class professors, the center has also attracted two Principal Investigators from National 973 Program, one chair professor from Chang Jiang Scholar Program, three winners of National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, 10 scholars of the 1, 000 Talents Plan conducted by Organization Department of CPC Central Committee, and 14 experts who enjoy special government allowances of the State Council. Moreover, we have employed one scholar awarded by 100 Talents of Guangdong Province and 20 scholars from 100 Talents of Sun Yat-sen University. With the efforts of the whole center, we have won six National Science & Technology Progress Award (second class) and two Principal Tasks of National 973 Program. And our international team of leading scholars have published articles(all are the first in their kinds) on top journals around the world, including Nature, Science, NEJM, and JAMA. And the subjects are all innovative research results, varying from cataract, to keratometry, and to myopia which are long-bothering diseases to human beings. The innovative fruits have been recognized as one of the eight life sciences breakthroughs in 2016 by Nature Medicine. The new-built Zhujiang New Town National Key Laboratory is the world’s largest ophthalmology laboratory by now.
To satisfy the need of scientific research, we want to recruit several post doctors:
1. Qualifications
1) PhD in top universities at home or broad; healthy mental and physical conditions; younger than 35 years old
2) Less than 3 years after graduation; full time postdoctoral research
3) Research plans should be related to the scientific research projects or fields of study of supervisor.
4) Papers published in SCI journals (as first author), impact factor > 1.0
2. Working Responsibilities
Under the guidance of supervisors, post doctors have to independently conduct researches related to the study direction of their research team. More details will be shown in the chart at the bottom.
1. 税前基本年薪30万左右
2. 五险一金齐全
3. 在站期间主持国家级基金、考核优秀均有高额奖励。
4.为吸引知名高校优秀博士毕业生来中心从事博士后研究工作,对于在US news、QS、TIMES等世界大学排行榜排名前100的国外高校获得博士学位的优秀毕业生另提供津贴10万元/年,上述大学排行榜排名前150的大陆高校优秀博士毕业生另提供津贴5-10万元/年。
3. Salary and Preferential Policies
1) 300,000 yuan per year(regular pay before tax);
2) Insurance and Housing Fund( including endowment insurance, industrial injury insurance, maternity insurance and housing accumulation funds).
3) During the term of employment at the center, post doctors achieve national fund or get excellent assessment will be rewarded.
4) To attract fresh PhD graduates from renowned universities, the center will provide another 100, 000 yuan allowance per year for graduates from foreign universities which rank top 100(on the US news, QS, TIMES-providing university rankings); or another50, 000-100,000 yuan allowance per year for graduates from top 150 universities(on the US news, QS, TIMES-providing university rankings) in China, mainland.
4. Contact
Please send your CV( attach personal statement, research experience, and the field of research in the future) to Human Resources Department(E-mail: humanresource@gzzoc.com), and the format of the subject should be: apply for post doctor+name of supervisor+your name+institutions you graduate from). We will check your CV and invite you to our interview if you satisfy our requirements. We sincerely welcome all potential employees.
Contact person: Wu and Fan
Tel: 020-66618946
Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Sun Yat-sen University
May 1st, 2018